Friday, September 11, 2015

Pre-Course Test

Please read all of these directions before continuing on:

You will need to click here to take today's test on what we are going to learn this year.  No calculators or calculator like programs are allowed. Please do all of your calculations by hand on the paper provided.  You may not ask your partner for help, nor may you go to any other websites or even other webpages until you are done with your test. Only your own knowledge of this material may be used to answer the questions today.

I would suggest that you take your time to work out the problems to the best of your ability before choosing an answer.

Once you have finished your test, turn it in by hitting the submit button at the very bottom of the form. Then please find something quiet to work on until the end of the class.

Mr. J

Tonight's Homework:
Stay cool and enjoy your weekend

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